By: Masyhudi Muqorobin
It is obligation for every Muslim to understand his way of life, which is primarily based on the two sources: the Qur’an and Sunnah Rasululah SAW., and thus understanding both the sources is also necessary. In order to understand them, it is also necessary to know, at least, the Arabic (Hija-i) letters and their rules so as to know how to recite the Qur’an correctly. The Qur’anic verse in Surah al-Muzzamil (73): 4:
وَرَ تِّلِ الْقُرْآنَ تَرْتِيْلاً
“…and recite the Qur’an in slow, measured rhythmic tones.”
The Prophet of Muhammad is quoted to have said:
اقرءوا القرآن كما علمتموه
“ Recite the Qur’an as you all have learned it.”
1. The Meaning of Tajwid
Tajwid (from the word jawwada) literally means (al-tahsin) to improve, to become better, to ameliorate, (jawwada shai’an) to do something excellently. In the Qur’anic terminology, it means the science or the art of reciting the Qur’an in accordance with established rules of pronunciation and intonation (A Dictionary of Modern Written Arabic).
Al-Ustadz Amir Sa’id of the Ministry of Education, Kuwait, in his Tajwid al-Qur’an al-Karim defines it as:
إخراج كل حرف من مخرجه مع إعطائه حقه ومستحقه
“Articulating every letter from its point of articulation toward its presentation, giving it its full value properly and appropriately.”
Reciting the Qur’an according to the rules of Tajwid also means to fulfil the Divine command as above mentioned, i.e. Tartil.
2. The Hukm of Understanding Tajwid.
The Majority of the Ulama (Ijma’) suggests that the Hukm of understanding Tajwid is wajib (obligatory) on the basis of both the verse and the hadith. Obligatory in this sense means:
a. Fardhu Kifayah (bi al-nisbati ila ‘a-mat al-Muslimin) relating to the Muslim society as a whole, in understanding all the rules therein.
b. Fardhu ‘Ain
- bi al-nisbati ila al-Ulama wa kullu man yastaghil bita’lim al-Qur’an al-Karim, for the Ulama and those involve in educating the Qur’an al-Karim, to understand all the rules of Tajwid;
- for every Muslim in understanding the correct way of reciting the Qur’an (understanding the rules in this sense is not necessary).
3. Types of Recitation
There are 3 types of recitation of the Qur’an, according to ‘Amir Sa’id (p. 22), namely:
a. al-Tratil, that is the recitation of the Qur’an with understanding and in a careful way (not rushing through). Rasulullah SAW has exemplified and established the way of reciting it as such, which is called tartil, that is not rushing through, but elucidating (explicating) letter by letter, pausing his recitation verse by verse. He recites in every situation, whether he is standing or sitting, whether he is lying in a bed or having ablution (ready to pray).
b. al-Hadr (rapid recitation), disregarding the rules of Tajwid concerning the madd, tashdid, disconnection (waqf), connection, etc.
c. al-Tadwir, between these two.
4. Rules of Starting Recitation
It is well known that every recitation must be preceded by ta’awudh and basmalah. Allah SWT says in the Qur’an:
إذا قرأت القرآن فاستعذ بالله من الشيطان الرجيم
“When you recite the Qur’an, seek Allah’s protection from satan the condemned/ rejected one.” (an-Nahl (16): 98)
To enter the beginning of the Surah we are to recite the ta’awudh, and basmalah for every beginning of the Surah (but the Surah al-Taubah or al-Bara’ah, which is not preceded by the basmalah). We have 4 rules here:
a) Disconnecting (waqf or qat’) both, that is to pause each of the two, and disconnecting them from the beginning of the respected Surah;
التعوذ ، البسملة ، الأول السورة
b) Disconnecting (waqf or qat’) both, that is to pause each of the two, but connecting the basalah with the beginning of the Surah;
التعوذ ، البسملة___الأول السورة
c) Connecting both directly, and connecting the basmalah with the beginning of the Surah;
التعوذ___البسملة___الأول السورة
d) Connecting both directly, but disconnecting the basmalah from the beginning of the Surah;
التعوذ___البسملة ، الأول السورة
Points of articulation or makharij al-huruf is a study of production of phonemes according to the position of vocal tract, starting with the larynx (الحلق) proceeding forward to the lips (الشفتين). These are the places where phonemes or sound of the letters are produced.
To understand the subject clearly, it is necessary to know its related conncept, namely manner of articulation (sifat al-huruf)
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- Musthofa'
- akhirat, neraka, Indonesia
- berhenti tidak ada dijalan ini...berhenti berarti mati...lengah meski sekilas pasti tergilas......mereka yang maju merekalah yang bergerak kedepan
Rabu, 28 Oktober 2009
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